Thursday, December 18, 2008
Islam and Liberty - Mohamed Charfi
I got to know about the book from Frontline article -
The author, Mohamed Charfi is a professor in law and served as Education minister of Tunisia.
Introduction and first chapter explain the facts and consequence of fundamentalism.
In second chapter which is the best in this book dissects the Islamic law - Sharia. He took the case of punishment for apostasy - death penalty. It was formalized based on a prophet's tradition - hadith. And motivation to carry out that was more of political reasons. Likewise he took most of the controversial rulings of Shariah.
He then logically and authoritatively concludes that Muslim law is anachronistic and were best for that time. Later Sharia remained stagnant and Ulema (scholar) attributed divinity to it. All later research were crushed and Tartaric attack (under Chengis Khan) on Abbaside killed eminent thinkers of that time. This led ulema to shut the door of Ijtihad (research) because they were afraid that they will never able to raise to the level of their predecessors.
Mutazziltes were crushed and the works of Avicenna, Averroes and the likes were burnt and lost in history.
Muslim thinkers in the late 18th and early 19th century did elaborative study on this subject and came to a point that Islam doesn't propose any totalitarian divine law for mankind
Author's answer for contemporary plural society is secularism. And Islam should be taken to private sphere.
Third chapter deals about the notion of Islamic state.
Author states that in Madeena there was no Islamic state formed under prophet. Actual Islamic state took birth with the caliphate of Aboobacker and flourished in the reign of Umar
Two more points from the same chapter.
After Jesus' crucification, his followers took the principle of rendering unto Ceasor that which Ceasor's and unto God that which God's. Author states that it was not a tactic rather a fundamental doctrine.
Erdogan's Justice and Development party in Turkey explicitly accepted secularism. And it doesn't refer Sharia nor describes itself as Islamist. Author takes this case as a point that Islam can co-oexist with secularism, modernity and democracy.
Fourth chapter puts forth education policy to achieve the above said social changes.
All in all this book was a wonderful read.
Islam Muslim Muslim Samooham
This book is more of a pragmatic thinking and solutions than a theolgical discourse. Author narrates the socio-economic state of contermporary muslims in India.
He points out the hard realities such as social evils like divorce are there in muslim society which were earlier accused only on western societies. His another observation is ethics level of indian muslims in day-to-day dealings is lesser compared to west. He urges muslims to take these things seriously which we are lacking.
Conditions of urban poor sect cannot be compared to the poor in the time of prophet. In cities nothing comes free including basic necessities like clean water. To sustain life, consistent income is vital. Whereas in the times of prophet's and before him basic necessities were never denied.
Education is directly linked to the survival. Those who cannot read cannot survive in the contemporary world. I would term illeterate is similar to a handicapped person who has to depend on others for rudimentary needs.
I didn't complete the book because I lost interest midway.
He points out the hard realities such as social evils like divorce are there in muslim society which were earlier accused only on western societies. His another observation is ethics level of indian muslims in day-to-day dealings is lesser compared to west. He urges muslims to take these things seriously which we are lacking.
Conditions of urban poor sect cannot be compared to the poor in the time of prophet. In cities nothing comes free including basic necessities like clean water. To sustain life, consistent income is vital. Whereas in the times of prophet's and before him basic necessities were never denied.
Education is directly linked to the survival. Those who cannot read cannot survive in the contemporary world. I would term illeterate is similar to a handicapped person who has to depend on others for rudimentary needs.
I didn't complete the book because I lost interest midway.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
2 Maths problem
I. Find the acute angle between the minute and hour needle of a clock for a given time H:M?
Minute needle angle, m = M * (360/60) = 6M
Hour needle Angle, h = H * (360/12) + M * ( (360/12) / 60) = 30H + M/2
Solution 1:
Acute Angle = arccos(cos(h-m))
Hint: Cos() will bring all angle from -1 to 1 range and arccos() will bring that to 0 to 180(pi)
Solution 2:
Difference in angle, d = |h-m|
d = (h-m)%360
Opposite angle, od = 360 - d
Acute angle = 180 - x
Obtuse angle = 180 + x
where x = |(od - d)/2| = |180 - d|
i.e, Acute Angle = 180 - |180-d|
II. Given a circular queue of size n (0..n-1). Other variables are front and rear of the queue. Find a formula to find number of elements in queue from n, front and rear?
number of elements = (rear - front) % n
That is the magic of mod operator.
Minute needle angle, m = M * (360/60) = 6M
Hour needle Angle, h = H * (360/12) + M * ( (360/12) / 60) = 30H + M/2
Solution 1:
Acute Angle = arccos(cos(h-m))
Hint: Cos() will bring all angle from -1 to 1 range and arccos() will bring that to 0 to 180(pi)
Solution 2:
Difference in angle, d = |h-m|
d = (h-m)%360
Opposite angle, od = 360 - d
Acute angle = 180 - x
Obtuse angle = 180 + x
where x = |(od - d)/2| = |180 - d|
i.e, Acute Angle = 180 - |180-d|
II. Given a circular queue of size n (0..n-1). Other variables are front and rear of the queue. Find a formula to find number of elements in queue from n, front and rear?
number of elements = (rear - front) % n
That is the magic of mod operator.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Amina Books
On Friday 1st August, I visited Amina book shop in Thrissur. Its a one room shop opposite to Chettiyangadi mosque in Post Office Road. I had been there before and purchased one book in Sufi literature - "Arifakulude thathwashasthram". I didnt get a chance to go through that book.
I had a chat with the proprietor, Mr.Hamza. I enquired, if there is any other book apart from Ihya' ulum al-din in Sufi literature that is translated to Malayalam. And to his knowledge these are the 2 books. I have purchased full volume Ihya' ulum al-din from there. It costed me Rs.2300. There are 2 low price edition of the same book for Rs.600 and Rs.1200. I preferred the better one, because I thought this book may be useful for my entire life and to the next generation rather than one-time reading. Mr.Hamza had taken my contact number so that he can inform me about any new arrival in this genre.
I checked with him if people are buying Ihya. He said eventhough people buy this book, most selling book is the one recommended in a Jeevan TV programme hosted by a Moulavi. Matter of fact that book is written by him on prayers and ways to solve petty problems in life. Solutions are like to read so and so chapter of Quran for n number of times. Absolute crap!
I had a chat with the proprietor, Mr.Hamza. I enquired, if there is any other book apart from Ihya' ulum al-din in Sufi literature that is translated to Malayalam. And to his knowledge these are the 2 books. I have purchased full volume Ihya' ulum al-din from there. It costed me Rs.2300. There are 2 low price edition of the same book for Rs.600 and Rs.1200. I preferred the better one, because I thought this book may be useful for my entire life and to the next generation rather than one-time reading. Mr.Hamza had taken my contact number so that he can inform me about any new arrival in this genre.
I checked with him if people are buying Ihya. He said eventhough people buy this book, most selling book is the one recommended in a Jeevan TV programme hosted by a Moulavi. Matter of fact that book is written by him on prayers and ways to solve petty problems in life. Solutions are like to read so and so chapter of Quran for n number of times. Absolute crap!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Life without a company of woman is really tough, especially if we miss one. I have just completed a novel on a similar theme. But what I wanted to convey here is that of a book which i am reading now. That book may change my life forward. I believe till now I tried to pick up books from a broad range. Even though I read books in Islam, I had to read contemporary literature in order to understand the nature of life. Various aspects of life is not covered "directly" in any of the books in Islam which I had read - matter of fact I could not get from the translation of Quran which I follow. I had to read Quran, history, philosophy, novels, short stories, current affairs, blogs, mathematics, etc. to quench my thirst which I am doing at my leisure. But this book from Imam Gazhali a 11th century scholar, a Sufi, a traveler has something different to say. I am reading his "Ihya' ulum al-din" translated to Malayalam. This is a 40(or 36) volume book in Malayalam.
I just started with the first one. This is opening up a new thought direction in me. I don't want to label it to any. But this is dealing with the subjects my soul seeking for and it is in-depth. Matter of fact I may even redefine my area of reading after this. Don't know really, but I am bit excited!
I just started with the first one. This is opening up a new thought direction in me. I don't want to label it to any. But this is dealing with the subjects my soul seeking for and it is in-depth. Matter of fact I may even redefine my area of reading after this. Don't know really, but I am bit excited!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
If tomorrow comes - Sidney Sheldon
A masala novel from Sidney Sheldon and while I was reading, felt like watching a typical Hindi movie. In my opinion the plot of the story was too narrow, that i didn't feel it much interesting. And I left the book midway. Anyway it was a timepass to read through and may be the sole purpose of this novel.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Othappu and Aalaahayude Penmakkal
This novel in Malayalam is from an eminent writer and activist Sara Joseph. It has got Kendra Sahithya Academy award. The characters illustrated in this work are brilliant and represents a sample of society. Even though the novel is based on the story of a nun - Margaleetha who discontinued from that service in search of truth, the character I liked most is the priest named Kareekan who is also the lover of Margaleetha. He wanted to accomplish lot of things in life, wanted to find the meaning of life through continuous research but he is not confident in whatever steps he takes in life. He is always confused at the crucial stages. When I follow his story, I got the message from the author as if to a young revolutionary. That was a brilliant character. About Margaleetha, just get a copy of the novel and find it there :))
Another novel from the same author is "Alaahayude penmakkal". I had read this novel about couple of years back, may be before my marriage. The plot of the story is an under developed outskirt of Thrissur - a town in Kerala. It tells the story of a poor Christian family living in the time of urbanising their neighbourhood. The main character is a small girl. And she along with her family witnessed the impact of urbanisation. Again this is also an award winning novel from Sara Joseph.
I have thorougly enjoyed both these novel and helped to improve my outlook.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The corporation
Its an award winning documentary depicting the new world order, the latest phenomenon of our age, the new world citizen - The corporation. The team has done a nice job featuring the origin, characteristics, the course of the corporation. One of the interesting part of the documentary, it studied the characteristics of this citizen of 20th century and with the help of lead FBI agent came to conclusion that, he/she is a psychopath, since it has all attributes of one such - no moral value, no guilt, etc.
From the Readme of the documentary:
Winner, 26 international awards, 10 of them audience awards, including Sundance.
In law, a corporation is a “person”. But what kind of person is it?
THE CORPORATION engages in a lively, critical exploration of the dominant institution of our time — its inner workings, curious history, controversial impacts, and possible futures.
Case studies, anecdotes, and true confessions expose influences in both the corporate and anticorporate worlds. With dark wit, footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, the film illuminates the corporation’s grip on our lives.
THE CORPORATION asks: What are the consequences—for human beings, democracy, and the ecology—of granting immense power to a structurally amoral institution, whose overriding priority is to create wealth for its shareholders?
As worldwide concern about the growth of corporate power intensifies, THE CORPORATION canvasses insiders, outsiders, radicals, and conservatives, in 40 interviews with CEOs, whistleblowers, brokers, gurus, and a corporate spy.
Why a Download Edition?
Filmmaker Mark Achbar explains: “When I discovered that over 500,000 people had downloaded The Corporation, I had mixed feelings. As a filmmaker and activist, one of my goals is to reach the largest possible audience. So from that perspective, it's an astounding success.”
“But I also organized the financing of the film and have ongoing obligations to the individuals and public funders that invested in it. THE CORPORATION was a huge undertaking. Over two hundred people helped make the film, the DVD, and website, and worked on the outreach campaign, over a period of 8 years.”
“My hope is that people downloading will keep in mind this is not another mega-corp Hollywood product; it's an independently produced film. I believe people appreciate what an enormous effort it takes to make a film like THE CORPORATION and will support it, if there’s a reasonably easy way to. So, I decided to release my own top quality download version, but with a short ad promoting the DVD's extras, and a request from me, asking viewers for a little financial consideration to help offset the costs of production and keep our outreach efforts going. We now have a "contribute" button on our website, I hope people will decide to use it, and encourage their friends to as well. Every contribution helps and is deeply appreciated
whatever the amount.”
You can also send a cheque or money order to:
Big Picture Media Corporation
2676 Eton St.
Vancouver, BC
Canada V5K 1K1
Edition Details
2004 DVD Version. 145 Mins.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Aisa Kadeesa - MP3
This is a MP3 version of famous Aisa Kadeesa song - Recorded from youtube
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tiger at twilght - Manoj Das
This is a nice novelet from Manoj Das, but I couldnt finish reading this one. Got dragged too long. Partly I blame it on my undisciplined life and partly to my weakness in vocabulary. Its too tough for a software engineer in India to make time for extra readings, unless he is dedicated. So for me its time to change :) Good luck to me :D.
The main character in the story is an heir of a princely state somewhere in North India during the post independence time. And he was managing a beautiful castle called Heera Mahal as Tourist destination. And this Mahal was in adjacent princely state to his. The story was based on his experience with the locals in that place and the Raja of that princely state.
The main character in the story is an heir of a princely state somewhere in North India during the post independence time. And he was managing a beautiful castle called Heera Mahal as Tourist destination. And this Mahal was in adjacent princely state to his. The story was based on his experience with the locals in that place and the Raja of that princely state.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Navothana Chinthakal (Reformist Thoughts), Alija Ali Izetbegović
I enjoyed reading this book. But it is not quite extensive study compared to his another work "Islam between east and west". This book comprises of 5 essays. The first one takes the major portion of the book. The author disserts the current backward situation of contemporary Muslim world. Although he doesn't want to narrate about the glorious Muslim past because he believe remembering those and doing nothing is a waste exercise. Instead it would be better to work on the decay of neighbouring mosque. Anyway he went over the past and analyzed the path that Muslims came across. He believes that fundamental changes are happening in the contemporary Muslim world on their outlook of Islam. And he also believes that a great reformation is happening and he asks each Muslim to be a part of it.
The second essay was about the Muslim women. The part I like most in that was the virtue given to the efforts taken by a mother for raising children. And its comparison between Islam and the west. He also took case studies of working women and their job satisfaction and also their hectic life schedules. He statistically analysed the type of job women does and found to be major part of the unskilled jobs are handled by the women. In short he makes an assessment that it is the interest of the industrialist society that women to be there in the job market.
The third was about how to raise our children. Too much of emphasis on obedience will create a unresponsive youth. They cannot change the world instead they will become nice citizen who obeys the rules set forth by the imperialist/communist/oppressive government.
The fourth essay was about on how to read quran. He says that though Quran is static and there wont be any change to its words, the human life is ever changing. It should be read taking his/her present situation into consideration. Then Quran opens up new ways and thoughts for life forward.
The fifth is about Islam and independence movement. He briefly goes over most of the independence movement in the Islamic countries and its association towards Islamic fundamentals - the role of Jihad.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Selected Fiction - Manoj Das
This book is with me for long time. I think this was purchased by Shankar and when he left for US I inherited naturally. Not only this book I got few household goods as well because I was the last one to leave our bachelor room.
Selected Fiction by Manoj Das. He is truly a great story-teller. Based on simple rural or urban context, the stories are vivid and touching. Cannot just stop reading a story once start with the first few lines. When I finish each story, sometimes I feel tough to go to the next one since the impact is too much that I float with the characters for sometime.
Selected Fiction by Manoj Das. He is truly a great story-teller. Based on simple rural or urban context, the stories are vivid and touching. Cannot just stop reading a story once start with the first few lines. When I finish each story, sometimes I feel tough to go to the next one since the impact is too much that I float with the characters for sometime.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Islamika samooham sangraha charithram - Volume 1
Last 2 weeks I spent time to read "Islamika samooham sangraha charithram - Volume 1" by a Pakistani Author Sarwat Soulat and translated by Abdurahman Munnoor. This book gives glimpses of history of muslim rulers and famous personalities. This is more of history of caliphs and sultans from Hijra 1 to Hijra ~650. The author briefly goes over the dynasties of Khalifa, ummayyad, abbaside, fathimide, saljook, ghasni, ghori, sanki, ayyoobi, barbar (muvahhid), etc. Its not a neutral book and all along we can see author is muslim-sided and apolegetic. Also he has mentioned one or two incidents for each of the famous personalities otherwise its a kind of text book. It is not meant for serious readers since the citation is too less. May be its good to get a blur picture of that time-frame. But I appreciate author's commitment to cover all major rulers and personalities of that time. That way this book is good to use as a reference.
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