Monday, July 14, 2008

The corporation

Its an award winning documentary depicting the new world order, the latest phenomenon of our age, the new world citizen - The corporation. The team has done a nice job featuring the origin, characteristics, the course of the corporation. One of the interesting part of the documentary, it studied the characteristics of this citizen of 20th century and with the help of lead FBI agent came to conclusion that, he/she is a psychopath, since it has all attributes of one such - no moral value, no guilt, etc.


From the Readme of the documentary:
Winner, 26 international awards, 10 of them audience awards, including Sundance.

In law, a corporation is a “person”. But what kind of person is it?
THE CORPORATION engages in a lively, critical exploration of the dominant institution of our time — its inner workings, curious history, controversial impacts, and possible futures.

Case studies, anecdotes, and true confessions expose influences in both the corporate and anticorporate worlds. With dark wit, footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, the film illuminates the corporation’s grip on our lives.

THE CORPORATION asks: What are the consequences—for human beings, democracy, and the ecology—of granting immense power to a structurally amoral institution, whose overriding priority is to create wealth for its shareholders?
As worldwide concern about the growth of corporate power intensifies, THE CORPORATION canvasses insiders, outsiders, radicals, and conservatives, in 40 interviews with CEOs, whistleblowers, brokers, gurus, and a corporate spy.

Why a Download Edition?
Filmmaker Mark Achbar explains: “When I discovered that over 500,000 people had downloaded The Corporation, I had mixed feelings. As a filmmaker and activist, one of my goals is to reach the largest possible audience. So from that perspective, it's an astounding success.”
“But I also organized the financing of the film and have ongoing obligations to the individuals and public funders that invested in it. THE CORPORATION was a huge undertaking. Over two hundred people helped make the film, the DVD, and website, and worked on the outreach campaign, over a period of 8 years.”
“My hope is that people downloading will keep in mind this is not another mega-corp Hollywood product; it's an independently produced film. I believe people appreciate what an enormous effort it takes to make a film like THE CORPORATION and will support it, if there’s a reasonably easy way to. So, I decided to release my own top quality download version, but with a short ad promoting the DVD's extras, and a request from me, asking viewers for a little financial consideration to help offset the costs of production and keep our outreach efforts going. We now have a "contribute" button on our website, I hope people will decide to use it, and encourage their friends to as well. Every contribution helps and is deeply appreciated
whatever the amount.”
You can also send a cheque or money order to:
Big Picture Media Corporation
2676 Eton St.
Vancouver, BC
Canada V5K 1K1
Edition Details
2004 DVD Version. 145 Mins.

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