Thursday, December 18, 2008

Islam Muslim Muslim Samooham

This book is more of a pragmatic thinking and solutions than a theolgical discourse. Author narrates the socio-economic state of contermporary muslims in India.

He points out the hard realities such as social evils like divorce are there in muslim society which were earlier accused only on western societies. His another observation is ethics level of indian muslims in day-to-day dealings is lesser compared to west. He urges muslims to take these things seriously which we are lacking.

Conditions of urban poor sect cannot be compared to the poor in the time of prophet. In cities nothing comes free including basic necessities like clean water. To sustain life, consistent income is vital. Whereas in the times of prophet's and before him basic necessities were never denied.

Education is directly linked to the survival. Those who cannot read cannot survive in the contemporary world. I would term illeterate is similar to a handicapped person who has to depend on others for rudimentary needs.

I didn't complete the book because I lost interest midway.

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