Wednesday, April 10, 2019

India A short history by Andrew Robinson

A very refreshing overview of Indian history based on factual sources. 
The book covers Indus Valley civilization, Vedas, Aryans and the origins of hinduism, Buddha, Alexander and Asoka, Hindu dynasties, the coming of Islam, the Mughal empire, European incursions and east India companies, the ‘Jewel in the crown’, end of empire, the world’s largest democracy and postscript.
The author examines various historical events and its contemporary relevance. The Indus Valley civilization and Vedic history with the current political movement. Was sepoy mutiny an India wide movement? Bollywood is trash. Legacy of Mughals and Britain in later India.

Very best we can say that human life is real, not Maya or an illusion, or one of the ultimate reality among many. And one can base their life on that one fact. Human life is expressed differently across different regions and times. A broad reading is the natural choice in the further quest. Let’s see where it takes.

A History of the Arab Peoples

  Albert Hourani’s  A History of the Arab Peoples  is a fascinating exploration of Arab history, spanning from the rise of Islam to the late...